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Vitamin B6 Deficiency and YOU

Let me start by making a few points about the B vitamins in general. Think of the B vitamins as being the “worker B’s”. The help build and modify various molecules needed in energy production and therefore are vital to the proper function of our cells, tissues, organs and our bodies [from the bottom up so to speak]. They [B’s] work in concert to achieve and maintain normal metabolism.

So, it is easy to see that a shortage of any one vitamin could manifest in a broad watershed or in multiple problems/symptoms. 

Let me add here: Sugar [both “natural” and “Processed”] depletes B vitamins! Sugar is an “Anti-Nutrient” in that it requires immediate processing by the body but has no nutritional value. It is this conversion to fat, specifically to cholesterol, that consumes B vitamins at an alarming rate.

If, for instance, Riboflavin [B2] is lacking many will develop chapped lips [Cheilosis] and eventually, a secondary B6 deficiency  because B2 is needed to convert B6 to its active form. B6 is needed for proper Magnesium utilization. A shortage in B6 leads to a relative Magnesium deficiency [it may be present in the diet but not bio-available] and the symptoms often seen include wheezing, irritability, nasal “allergies” and muscle spasm to name a few. 

B6 deficiency is the one of the key culprits in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Below are a few studies found on PubMed showing that Carpal Tunnel syndrome can be corrected with supplemental Vitamin B6 / Pyridoxine

Clinical results of a cross-over treatment with pyridoxine and placebo of the carpal tunnel syndrome

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 32, Issue 10, October 1979, Pages 2040–2046, Published: 01 October 1979


Clinical evaluation was made of cross-over treatments by pyridoxine and a placebo of patient 22 having the carpal tunnel syndrome. Extraordinary monitoring of the specific activities of the erythrocyte glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase proved a severe vitamin B6 deficiency, which was partially corrected by the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 2 mg, and completely corrected by 100 mg. The severity of the syndrome diminished on the Recommended Dietary Allowances and the patient was asymptomatic at the higher dosage. On placebo, both the vitamin B6 deficiency and syndrome reappeared. Retreatment with 100 mg again corrected both the deficiency and syndrome. Measurements (total n = 19) of flexion of proximal interphalangeal joints of the index fingers by a goniometer, and of pinch by the Preston gauge revealed objective normalization. Scores of 17 symptoms revealed reductions at both the 2- (P < 0.01) and 100-mg (P < 0.001) dosages. Conduction through the carpal tunnels had improved by electromyography. These and previous data on a total of 22 patients showed the concomitant presence of a deficiency of vitamin B6 and the carpal tunnel syndrome; a causal relationship is apparent.

Biochemical evidence for a deficiency of vitamin B6 in the carpal tunnel syndrome based on a crossover clinical study

PMID: 277941

PMCID: PMC392786


In a patient with severe carpal tunnel syndrome and a significant deficiency of vitamin B(6), the evidence for the deficiency was an extraordinarily low basal specific activity of the glutamic-oxaloacetic transminase of the erythrocytes (EGOT). This enzyme was also deficient in pyridoxal phosphate. The patient was treated with the recommended dietary allowance of pyridoxine, 2 mg/day, for 11 weeks, then 100 mg/day for 12 weeks, a placebo for 9 weeks, and again pyridoxine at 100 mg/day for 11 weeks. Sixty-one monitorial assays of EGOT over 48 weeks supported the following interpretations. (i) His diet permitted the development of a debilitating carpal tunnel syndrome. (ii) Treatment with pyridoxine at 2 mg/day reduced the deficiency of EGOT activity from about 70% to 50%, maintained a deficiency of pyridoxal phosphate, and relieved but allowed a marginal syndrome. (iii) Treatment at 100 mg/day for 12 weeks nearly achieved a "ceiling" level of EGOT and eliminated the deficiency of pyridoxal phosphate. (iv) After placebo for 7 weeks, the deficiencies of EGOT activity and pyridoxal phosphate reappeared, and clinical symptoms become worse. (v) Retreatment at 100 mg/day reestablished a "ceiling" EGOT, with no deficiency of pyridoxal phosphate, and the patient was asymptomatic. These data also support the concept that a deficiency of vitamin B(6) is significant in the etiology of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Mechanistically, a state of deficiency of the coenzyme seems to lower the level of the apoenzyme; a state of no deficiency of the coenzyme regulates a ceiling level of the transaminase. The latter state is presumably desired for health.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be alleviated in as few as 7 days with an activated version of B6, but using the typical version correction/sx relief takes four months. [“Activated” versions can bypass the liver]

It can take months to replenish B vitamins to an optimal level. Remember that every cell, tissue and organ is competing for available nutrients. The liver generally gets “first pick”. Only after the liver processes, “activates” and uses what it needs does the rest of the body receive its portion. So, if a shortage exists there are consequences downstream from the liver. As I previously alluded,

Taking a B complex supplement can help you stay ahead of the curve and reducing sugar intake can prevent depletion of your B vitamins. 

Simple, but effective

If you have questions or concerns message me and I’ll address them in a post.


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