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Fats and Oils overview


Fat info/omega 3's etc/ Concise

Short answer….Use

1- olive oil [omega 9] or avocado 🥑 oil

2- Coconut oil [with 66% MCT's - which do not store as fat but burn 🔥 as energy]

3- Butter

4- Lard - see nourished kitchen blog. See link at end of note.


It's amazing how little emphasis is placed on dietary fats/oils when there is clear evidence that our health is highly dependent upon their proper balance and composition.

I gathered the links below to provide straightforward information about fats/oils and how to improve your dietary intake through diet, cooking methods as well as dietary supplementation.


Cooking oil info

Although Canola has a better Omega 6:3 ratio its Omega 3 component is destroyed with heating - you can not cook with or heat Omega 3 oils - they are not heat stable. Omega 3 oils [include Flax seed oil and fish oils] are destroyed at 225 degrees .


Smoke points of various oils/ animal fat


The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids

The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids - PubMed

Omega 6 to 3 ratio should be in

roughly 1 to 1

Average 🇺🇸 diet 15 to 1

Charts of Omega 6 and Omega 3 oil content

“In those with established heart disease aka secondary prevention a ratio of 4 to 1 leads to a 70% reduction in mortality.”

Short answer ... avoid oils rich in omega 6.

You cannot overcome an excess omega 6 burden by taking Omega 3 oils.

You must avoid Omega 6 oils [corn,canola, peanut oil etc] and supplement with Omega 3’s

To reiterate - Use

1- olive oil [omega 9] or avocado 🥑 oil

2- Coconut oil [with 66% MCT's - which do not store as fat but burn 🔥 as energy]

3- Butter

4- Lard - see nourished kitchen blog

Rule of thumb

3% of calories should come from essential fatty acids [omega 3 ALA and on omega 6 LA] found in flax seed oil.

So 3% of 2000 calorie diet is 60 calories - which is roughly 7 grams of Flax seed oil at 9cal per gram.

Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These are plentiful in fish, krill oil and shellfish.

Algae often provides only DHA.

Short-chain omega-3 fatty acids are ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). These are found in plants, such as flaxseed.

Side note -

The Essential Fatty acids are found in Flax seed oil. LA AND ALA.

Flax seed oil’s ALA can be converted to DHA and EPA - however this conversion process is not enough to give therapeutic levels of DHA and EPA.

I recommend supplementing with Flax seed oil, Fish oil plus krill oil to ensure adequate levels of DHA and EPA as well as the EFAs


Chronic disease from Deficiency of Essential fatty acids.


Essential fatty acids in health and chronic disease - ScienceDirect


What’s the Difference Between Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fats?


Omega-3 and omega-6 are two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are both required for the body to function but have opposite effects when it comes to the inflammatory response and cardiovascular health. Too much omega-6 and too little omega-3 are among the causes for many diseases in modern society.

For more. See link below

What is a healthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3?


Flax seed oil

Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil comes from the seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum, L.). Flaxseed oil contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are needed for health. Flaxseed oil contains the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the body converts into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil.

Flaxseed oil Information | Mount Sinai - New York


Coconut Oil – Are You Coco-Nuts to Eat It?


Why Did Saturated Fat Get a Bad Rep? - Dr. Mark Hyman


Egg recipes

You searched for Eggs | Dr. Mark Hyman

Lard is Packed with Vitamin D


Seed oils and cancer risk

Chronic non-communicable disease risks presented by lipid oxidation products in fried foods - PMC

The risks presented by lipid oxidation products in fried foods

154g potato chip serving aldehyde contents are not dissimilar to those arising from the smoking of a (daily) allocation of 25 tobacco cigarettes


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